Saturday, 22 June 2019

Dark Soul

She walked through life with an air of gloom and sadness; only that it was hidden in her heart. As they say, depression is sometimes a smiling face. So she carried the weight in her heart. Nobody knew it hurt, or how much it was eating her up.

She smiled and bore with her an aura of happiness that to everyone, it was business as usual. But, she still carried the weight.

The past few weeks had been the worst. She was broken in every sense, bruised and battered. But because the wounds were internal, nobody saw the scars. She had tried to speak, to share her worst fights and scariest battles, but each time she opened her mouth to speak, it seemed words were inadequate. So sometimes she would break down, in the bathroom or some other private place, or she would pen down what she felt and almost immediately destroy the evidence. It just felt like nobody could understand how hard she felt, even if they tried.

The few people who managed to hear a point or two on the issue told her she was strong, brave and could do it; that it was all in her head but nobody knew that she had reached the end. She could fight no longer, the burden was overwhelming and the person she could run to as her last resort had seemingly forsaken her. Alone, destitute… she bore on, hanging on to a thread.

It was hard to wake up, and hard to really eat too. Her body was also beginning to fail her. It wanted more attention, but she was too weak to give it. Her mind was a mess. She was buried in thought most of the time; things she could do with her eyes closed became difficult, almost like learning new tricks in old age.
It was too much.

One day, after all the tears, the notes, the “you can do it,” she could have it no longer and so she decided to make a drastic decision. She took the easy way out.


Check on the strong ones, the smiling ones, the jovial ones. They could be suffering in silence.
“She is a beautiful piece of broken pottery, put back together by her own hands. And a critical world judges her cracks while missing the beauty of how she made herself whole again.”
“I won’t let pain turn my heart into something ugly. I will show you that surviving can be beautiful.”

The Young, The Foolhardy, The Dead

She sat in a state of confusion. I guess because nobody told her it would get to this point or how to deal with this, if it happened or when it happened. But it did and nobody gave her survival tools to deal with this uncertainty and she was left nonplussed, and battered.

The man she had known and loved cheated on her.

They had taught her how to be a wife; to care for and love him and his; to be there and hold his hand. She believed she had it all under control and as naiveté would have it, she never thought he would do it. I mean he loved her, or so he said. He vowed to be faithful, to be her lover and her best friend but in this one moment, he failed.

So, he cheated. He was like most men. And that is what hurt.

Her mind went back to that day she was robed in white and that dark tuxedo hid the painful truth of what lay behind the ceremony, the rosy smell, beautiful faces and wonderful bridesmaids. Most importantly, her mind went to the vows exchanged, the promises given. It was surreal; gave her hope in humanity but once again, her hopes were shattered.

She couldn’t believe it happened, or why it happened.

“I can explain,” he said. But the more he talked, the more she realized that she could not stand the lies that rang behind the voice that not so long ago made her heart beat a little faster. He made promises, but they were just ropes of sand and when she needed them to hold, they couldn’t. And that is what hurt.

She stood in front of her mirror and asked herself incessant questions:

“Am I not pretty enough? Am I not good enough? Where did I go wrong? Why? What….”

“It’s not you, it’s me…” enter, a cheater’s favorite line. “It’s deeper than you think…”

Deeper? She thought of how deep he went into this other woman that his love for her became so shallow.

I guess she was tired of the questions, the pain and wondering whether she would love him again, look in his eyes again, or just be near him again… she realized she wasn’t ready for this eventuality of life.  She decided to leave.

She still felt unworthy and blamed herself for what happened. She wanted to know the details; she wanted to get closure but she wasn’t ready to hear his lies. Everything coming out of him only seemed soiled and defiled. She just couldn’t.

So she tried to move on…. Convinced herself it was not her fault. There was something wrong with him and not her. She would be stronger and live her life.

It was all going on well until she remembered their first kiss; she remembered all the beautiful times they spent together and how they promised to love each other till death… although him dying would have been better. We should have stopped her when these thoughts begun to win her over…

She got the courage, or lack thereof and decided she would fix this; scratch that, fix a man who had given himself over to lust.

She navigated her way to their former home, and with tears in her eyes, she softly knocked.
Before he responded, it dawned on her that maybe she was about to ruin another steamy moment with the same intruder or maybe another. Her fears, which could have easily been a reality, overwhelmed her and she took a step back. She wasn’t ready.

She wasn’t ready to make things work, she wasn’t ready to get over it, and she wasn’t ready to act like it never happened. She had been good, faithful and had devoted her energy to making it work but he forgot all this at the slightest opportunity.

Her fears of what lay on the other side of the door made her rethink her decision and in a sure case of haste, drastic decisions were made. Her heart beat faster…until death do us part. That was the solution. Umm, not really but….


Some actions have consequences too dire to undo. He had committed a sin which made it difficult to move on. That is the serious lesson of life. Some actions can never be undone, and the consequences may take a lifetime to atone for.

Friday, 1 February 2019

Cloudy With A Chance Of Thunderstorms

The year begun as all years do… count downs, braais, fireworks and general festivities right? Well, not exactly for me. I sat on my bed on 31 December 2017, in a green dress, fighting back tears. What had happened? Well for starters, I had been forgotten by my brother (yes, I can be quite petty) and secondly, I was generally unhappy about something in my life (story for another day). Anyway, my 2018 did not start on a happy note and something was nudging on my heart that this year was going to be a year and a half, here’s why.

So 2018 was by far the most confusing, devastating and almost the worst year so far. I experienced stuff that I never had before, stuff that left me confused, distorted and shook. But, as they say, never a failure but only a learner, I have decided to look at what I can learn or what I perhaps learned from the so-called devastating year. So, here goes nothing.

1. Sometimes it won’t make sense.

This is perhaps one of the worst lessons I learned. I lost my brother 12 days after my final exam. He had been sick during the time I was writing exams. It was the most traumatizing moment of my life; constantly checking if he’s made it to the next day whilst trying to study because the exam wouldn’t write itself. I would get panic attacks in the exam hall but bore on until the end. When he finally died, I was filled with a lot of whys, hows and what not. Nothing about it made sense. I was more shocked than sad. I couldn’t understand a thing of what was going on. I didn’t, and still don’t understand how everything happened in quick succession. It just hurt and I just had questions and no answers.

Sometimes you won’t get the answers; and it won’t make sense. You must just live through it.

2. Be there

I must admit that sometimes I am a coward in the sense that I evade feeling certain things for no reason or for foolish reasons. So, during the time my brother was sick, the fear of him dying engulfed me so much that I dreaded being home and seeing him sick and hanging on to dear life. So I chose to stay away, to keep myself from feeling the pain, the fear or the stress. No one knew about it until the time I couldn’t eat or the time I suddenly broke down. I masked it good. But guess what, when I saw him lifeless on the day he died, I regretted every minute I spent away from him. I should have stayed with him to spend the last few minutes with him. Even when he lay there, shock and pain took control and I ran away. Now, I’m filled with regret for not feeling the pain, the fear or experiencing it all with him. So my advice is be there emotionally, physically or spiritually. Do not shy away from feeling the emotions because we are emotional beings and fighting emotions is equivalent to being less of a human, me thinks.

3. You failed, you are not a failure.

Another important lesson 2018 brought to my door is differentiating between failing and being a failure. Having a background of excelling, not clearing ZIALE at first attempt stung! A part of me felt like I was dull and probably spoiled by the easy undergrad exams but hey, failing is not the same as being a failure. You fail, you learn, you get up, you try again, you win! You are not a failure!!!

4. Be you, for you.

Ever caught in situations where you feel not good enough, or that you need to tone down a bit? Well, sometimes you have to decide to screw it and be you. As long as long it doesn’t hurt nobody, you sometimes need to be a little selfish and be you for you because ultimately, nobody loves you better than you.

This sounds not so Biblical right? Well, I learned a painful lesson that the more you try so hard to be something you are not, the more you rob the world of something that only you can give. So recognize what needs to change and embrace the real you.

5. Some things are right under your nose

Tongue in cheek… sometimes, you may never know that what you are looking for is right under your nose, because that is always the last place we check really. I am allowed to be a little discreet here but all in all, I learned that you sometimes won’t need to try so hard, or push so hard to get what is yours. Sometimes you will fight to get it, other times, things will just fall in place. You need wisdom to know the difference. Yep, I haven’t said much here, right?

6. Love deeply

It is amazing that with everything written about it and sung about it, love is still as abstract a concept. I guess 2018 brought me closer to the concept of love, in whatever form, shape and size. Love entails forgiving a lot, caring too much, being selfless and trying so hard to be a better version of yourself. I was tested to the very core and the only thing that kept me going was love; love for the thing, and love for the things. Yep, not saying much too.
But love deeply. Sometimes you will love and the object of the affection won’t appreciate it or see it, love nonetheless.

7. Blessings in adversity

I don’t need to overemphasize the horrors of 2018 but one thing I learned is that you will face trials and some of them will be because humans are jealous, stupid and evil, and that is why we need Jesus. But, no matter the adversity, man-made or God-ordained, you need to realize that there is a blessing. It may not be a material blessing and sometimes it won’t come in a way our perverted selves will imagine but it is there. For example, when someone I trusted threw me under a moving bus and I’m not even exaggerating, I learned not to trust anyone. That is a blessing, a blessing of a lesson about life.

Adversity also gives you an opportunity to introspect, and help you realize that sometimes you are the major reason behind all the screw ups; that it is your fault and you need to change that. What better blessing than becoming a better person for you and those around you?

8. Seek first to understand

We are humans and that means we are brutes and selfish. When something happens, our first instinct is usually selfish in that we will react based on us and not the other person. What if I told you that people always have reasons for why they act the way they do? We don’t know that because we don’t seek first to understand. We are quick to see things from our perspective and arrive at a conclusion. But, seek firs to understand before acting. Put yourself in their shoes and see how effective that judgmental side of yours will be…

9. Chase your dreams

The long, sad year drove me further away from my dreams. I felt dull, defeated and stuck. But, no matter what happens, I have learnt to keep that hope alive within me. I watched a cartoon a long time ago called ‘Ratatouille;’ a foodie rat that was determined to be the best chef ever. I guess that rat’s determination to be a great chef is what we all need to chase our dreams no matter how many road blocks life throws at us.

10. Nurture your friendships

Last but not the least, nurture those friendships. I discovered that my friends would go all out to do something for me. It humbled me to see how much they fought for me, were there for me, prayed for me or listened to me. So nurture those friendships because sometimes family will fail and friends will be all you got.

The weather man did not tell me how 2018 would look. It was cloudy with a high chance of thunderstorms. Nonetheless, I choose not to focus on the pain, hurt and disappointment but to focus on the lessons learnt. It was not my best year but it was more revealing, full of change and growth and definitely eye-opening. This list of lessons is not exhaustive as I have probably learnt a lot more than the 10 penned down. You may not agree with some of them and that is okay; they are purely a product of my experience and viewpoint.

Here’s to a great 2019. To life, success, happiness, love, joy. Yes, there may be a few thunderstorms here and there but guess what, we are stronger than this. Whatever didn’t kill us, had better start running!!

I Hate That I Love You

She hugged him tightly, almost failing to believe her eyes that this bundle of joy had come out her. With tears in her eyes, she kissed him softly, caressing him with one hand, whilst using the other to hold on to her husband.

“Honey, we made this!” She said, fighting back the tears.

It had been a long and rough journey. After a number of miscarriages, she wasn’t excited when she discovered she was pregnant for the fourth time. She didn’t even break the news to anyone. Having been failed a number of times, she just sat there hopeless and not giving thought to what was growing inside of her.

Bu the weeks turned into months and she got past the scary trimester. She thought she’d lose it again but no, the little man grew on and on until she couldn’t keep it a secret any longer. Of course, they talked.

“We hope it lasts this time.”

“Oh boy, but why so many failed pregnancies…”

She battled the defeat and bore on. Cravings, swollen feet, morning sickness. She bore it all until 9 months done.

Even then, she was unsure of what was going to happen. What if she couldn’t make it, or what if he didn’t make it? The doubt and fear gripped her but she pulled through and 24 hours later, she held him in her arms. Her first son.

It was done. She became a mother.

She sung him to sleep, played with him, stayed up all night while others were sleeping. She watched every development of his limbs, muscle. She studied him intensely. She found love.

Then he started growing up.

The more he learnt to walk, the further he walked away from the values imparted by mummy. The more he learned to smile, the more he charmed the innocence away from him.
He kept late hours, flattering innocent girls; making them feel like they were the only ones when he had multiple chats open. He begun to drink and smoke. He begun to party and play hard. He found it difficult to do this thing called ‘school’ because it was a sheer waste of time. Mummy and Daddy provided everything, what’s the point?

He became disrespectful, rowdy and foolish. He became the cause of many of his mother’s tears.

Where had she gone wrong? What hadn’t she done? She thought of all three lost babies. Would they have turned out like this? Was it the reason why she had to wait long? Was this a signal from above?

She cried again, this time not for the birth of a child but for the rebirth of her child.

Sometimes the things we love will bring us heartache; sometimes the things we love will not love us back. Sometimes, even after doing all that we can, things will go south.

Love is a risk, life is a risk. Will you love knowing fully well that the one you love wont love you back? Would you invest knowing that things may plummet tomorrow? Are you willing to give your all for something or something that will or may never work?

All real life is taking risks; sometimes the love you feel for what will hurt you is the only drive you have.

We did it Joe!

  December 31, 2020. I was dragging my feet, trying to force a smile. The year had shown me flames but perhaps the weeks leading up to the...